First Grade color collages

First graders have been learning about the primary and secondary colors. We watched this AWESOME stop motion movie and even danced and sang along to it. Red and Blue make what? PURPLE!!

Next, we talked about how photographers use colors when they photograph. Each first grader picked one color and went on a scavenger hunt to find that color around the room. They took detailed photographs of the color and made sure to only show that color by moving in close with their iPad. Each first grader collaged their pictures onto a grid using the app Snap Collage.

Here is one of our class collages:

In the next couple of classes, we are learning about what our world would look like in black and white. It's hard to imagine! We will be looking at a famous black and white film photographer by the name of Ansel Adams and looking at how he creates beautiful images without the use of color.


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