About Ms. Kraybill

I'm Molly Kraybill--an arts educator, professional photographer, lover of bright colors and children's self-portraits. Art education has led me to various experiences, from teaching elementary students how to use cameras to leading children in art workshops in the Carnegie Museum of Art. 

My passion for children initially led me to teaching, and it is what keeps me going still to this day. I am energized by my student’s questions, their inquisitive minds, and endless creativity. Teaching has allowed me to be a mentor to children and to use the arts as a talking point for the real-life issues and challenges they face.  

I have always been a creator. My dream to be an art teacher started with the desire to share the arts with others, to guide students through the creative process. It is incredible to help a child gain confidence in their skills and create something they are proud of. One of my favorite moments was when a student recognized a famous artist in her dentist’s office and could not wait to tell me the next day. I know I’ve done my job when my students feel the same enthusiasm about art as I do.

I became an art teacher to create a safe space for self-expression. During my middle and high school years the art room was a haven where I genuinely felt safe to express myself and be free. My art teachers affirmed my talents and opened my eyes to seeing the world through a camera lens. I aim to create a similar space, where students are encouraged to pursue their interests, express their feelings, and experience many different perspectives of their world.


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