5th Grade poetry

This was a one day lesson that combined looking at photography with poetry (thank you to New City Arts for the idea!!) Each fifth grader spent 3 minutes with one photograph. They carefully observed the content of the picture as well as the elements of design. They wrote 5 descriptive words of what they saw or felt, and then folded the paper over and passed the image and paper to the person next to them. By the end of the rotation, each image had 20 descriptive words attached to it.

Once their original picture came back to them, each student turned those words into a poem. The rules were to use at least 5 of the words from the paper. This turned out to be a great way to practice interpreting photographs and giving words to what we see!

Multiple water towers standing
alone in the plans.
Dirt and rust
stuck on them.
Tall and bare 
is where they stand.

9 old water towers
Ladders up the side
Dark sky like a tide
out in the middle of nowhere
9 old water towers hide
9 old water towers in the night sky.

Why me?
Alone in the street.
Unwanted and sad.
Coats too big,
news to deliver.
Why me?

Paper, flying, flying, paper
Soar, sky, joy, color
Happy paper takes flight
Paper, beautiful
Soar like a dancing crane-bird
Dreams of flying high.


On that grassy green hill, the paper falling
Colorful strands of light.
Powerfully giving happiness to
all around, even the darkest night.

Three dogs
wearing coats.
Dressed as a family.
Mom, Dad, Kid.
That's strange.

A rush of population,
flooding on a train.
People running in and out
like a river all about.

A small city
with too many people.
They stand waiting for the rusty train
No one can move.
They wait in the small,


  1. Beautiful poems! For some reason I can't see the last two photos though (broken link sign).

    Love all of your work here- super inspiring! Thank you for sharing:) I am adding this to my blog reader.


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